UI Framework Can Be Easy

09 Oct 2019

What Are UI Frameworks?

UI frameworks are tools that are used to help developers build attractive, multi-device applications faster and simpler than if you were to just use raw HTML and CSS. However, some believe that learning to implement a UI framework can be more difficult and cumbersome because it is almost like learning a new programming language. In my humble opinion, I believe that ultimately learning a UI framework will help a developer in the long run.

What Is Semantic UI And Why Is It Useful?

Semantic UI is one of the more popular UI frameworks. It uses specific premade classes that let you use commonly used structures that create the design of the application with just simple lines of text. This is useful because creating a framework for your application which would have been a pain to manually build yourself is now built for you using a significantly less amount of code. Also, designs that you might have thought would have been difficult to implement is now a lot easier to think about with Semantic UI.

How It Has Affected Me

After a two weeks of learning HTML and CSS and learning to design web pages, I found that it was easy to make a plain website, but I could tell that if I wanted to make a more professional looking website I would not know how to do that with just using raw HTML and CSS. It already took a lot of work just to make something so plain I could only see myself struggling for hours trying to make an attractive web application. Then, when I started learning Semantic UI it became clear the power, I was able to achieve using Semantic UI. It became a simple thing to implement a menu, evenly space the layout of your information, and create footers at the bottom. Even though I still don’t know all the intricacies of Semantic UI, looking at the web page that has all the things you can do with Semantic UI along with examples on how to use it, I can easily find if something I want down can be down easily using Semantic UI.